There was demi-captain Harry Reid sifting the sundered earth between his shriveled fingers, eyeing the backdrop of the deadly lectern for potential enemy movement while schooling a young demi-corporal about the arts of battle in the toil-worn aftermath of the Senatorial Slumber Party-- "I love the smell of pillow feathers in the morning, he groans, it smells like........" Well, you get the picture-- Is this the less artful demi-version of 'Mission Accomplished'??--The pathetic moribund political echelon in DC licks its newest wounds impatient for the same August recess it so sanctimoniously cudgels the Iraqi Parliament for indulging in at such a grave and perilous moment-- What it can't or simply refuses to see is its own indentured share attendant that grave peril-- This is not......... the smell of Victory--
America continues its deranged credit-card spending-spree stealing its children's future and suffering an abject loss of integrity without any responsible acknowledgement that its huge debt may have draconian ramifications in the immediate future-- That Bush who also plans to dump his Iraq mess on some oblivious successor is somehow an anomalous leader of his generation is really a disingenuous analysis-- What the Bush-haters cannot or simply refuse to see is that Bush like Clinton exemplifies the self indulgent indebted boomer crew to the maximum-- That whiskey and video games may be his addictions when white wine or marijuana or sex impale the more liberal boomers argues not against the underlying more-for-me drive fundamental to the generation that shows no actionable remorse for spoiling the legacy left by the preceding generation or for dumping their Karmic bill on the next-- The rest of the world is clearly beginning to doubt the once good faith ability of the US to repay its gargantuan appetite for foreign loans--If 'deficits don't matter' why are reserve banks and governments worldwide sweeping swiftly-depreciating dollars out their worried doors-- Borrowing over $1 trillion annually just to keep its consumptive hometown Hollywood fantasy operative as well the $12 billion per month sinkhole called Operation Provide Targets in Iraq to keep it from imploding into horrible defeat, The US Government cannot display any sound or principled plan, rough-draft or otherwise, to requite its world benefactors-- No wonder the world is worried about the deadbeat finances of the last remaining Superpower-- It is not a mirror into which the deceitful in DC wish to be seen peering-- This is not sign of ascension and, likewise, surely not the smell of Victory--
Currently there are enough stockpiles replete with enough trans-fat to fend off suggestions to all the hot-air ducts spewing empty odorless dioxide across the blathersphere that it is nobler in the mind not to suffer the slings and arrows of outrageous fortune but to actually oppose that sea of troubles rising gloomily in river city and put something meaningful on the line-- If our nation were a balloon all the hot air risings from the blogosphere would not fill its sails--Houston, we do not have liftoff!!!-- Philadelphia, we have a city, the birthplace of the US Constitution and home to a treasury of early American history, that has become haven to a murder zone-- The worst problem is in the nations big cities but medium size cities also show up-ticks in their murder rates In San Diego, murders were up 33 percent; in Houston, 12.9 percent, and in New York 10.6 percent. In Philadelphia, murders were up 7.7 percent last year. Sadr city on a multiple scale is coming to an oil-diminished megalopolis near you-- The memorial Wall in North Philly honors or, should it be, laments the 406 people murdered in 2006 85% of whom were Black-- This year one murder a day occupies the demoralized Police who apologetically admit loss of control-- The nightmare streets belong to the armed and those not 'tooled up' simply cannot risk the outside world-- Little of this competes with the Iraq debacle, American Idol or the Obillary circus for space on the Nightly News-- This is not a more secure nation, nor a sign of ascension, nor, least of all, the smell of Victory--
America continues its deranged credit-card spending-spree stealing its children's future and suffering an abject loss of integrity without any responsible acknowledgement that its huge debt may have draconian ramifications in the immediate future-- That Bush who also plans to dump his Iraq mess on some oblivious successor is somehow an anomalous leader of his generation is really a disingenuous analysis-- What the Bush-haters cannot or simply refuse to see is that Bush like Clinton exemplifies the self indulgent indebted boomer crew to the maximum-- That whiskey and video games may be his addictions when white wine or marijuana or sex impale the more liberal boomers argues not against the underlying more-for-me drive fundamental to the generation that shows no actionable remorse for spoiling the legacy left by the preceding generation or for dumping their Karmic bill on the next-- The rest of the world is clearly beginning to doubt the once good faith ability of the US to repay its gargantuan appetite for foreign loans--If 'deficits don't matter' why are reserve banks and governments worldwide sweeping swiftly-depreciating dollars out their worried doors-- Borrowing over $1 trillion annually just to keep its consumptive hometown Hollywood fantasy operative as well the $12 billion per month sinkhole called Operation Provide Targets in Iraq to keep it from imploding into horrible defeat, The US Government cannot display any sound or principled plan, rough-draft or otherwise, to requite its world benefactors-- No wonder the world is worried about the deadbeat finances of the last remaining Superpower-- It is not a mirror into which the deceitful in DC wish to be seen peering-- This is not sign of ascension and, likewise, surely not the smell of Victory--
Currently there are enough stockpiles replete with enough trans-fat to fend off suggestions to all the hot-air ducts spewing empty odorless dioxide across the blathersphere that it is nobler in the mind not to suffer the slings and arrows of outrageous fortune but to actually oppose that sea of troubles rising gloomily in river city and put something meaningful on the line-- If our nation were a balloon all the hot air risings from the blogosphere would not fill its sails--Houston, we do not have liftoff!!!-- Philadelphia, we have a city, the birthplace of the US Constitution and home to a treasury of early American history, that has become haven to a murder zone-- The worst problem is in the nations big cities but medium size cities also show up-ticks in their murder rates In San Diego, murders were up 33 percent; in Houston, 12.9 percent, and in New York 10.6 percent. In Philadelphia, murders were up 7.7 percent last year. Sadr city on a multiple scale is coming to an oil-diminished megalopolis near you-- The memorial Wall in North Philly honors or, should it be, laments the 406 people murdered in 2006 85% of whom were Black-- This year one murder a day occupies the demoralized Police who apologetically admit loss of control-- The nightmare streets belong to the armed and those not 'tooled up' simply cannot risk the outside world-- Little of this competes with the Iraq debacle, American Idol or the Obillary circus for space on the Nightly News-- This is not a more secure nation, nor a sign of ascension, nor, least of all, the smell of Victory--
Labels: Choosing Victory, creditcrisis, Harry Reid, Houston, Murders, New York, Philadelphia, San Diego
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