The litany of negative news streaming out of the economic sector devours market confidence across the globe-- Victory is daily defined now as the Dow losing 30 points instead of 380 and this only after a week of intravenous Federal Reserve infusions to the repetitious tune of multiple billions of dollars which ill-monikered investors today apparently met with a effete shrug-- Never mind that the Fed accepted as collateral for their loans to these distressed and, yes, desperate investment banks, the very troublesomely valued sub-prime securities that so precipitated this anxiety driven sojourn toward insolvency-- Oiling the pistons on the cars nobody but a few will borrow money to drive-- At least one run on an actual bank owned by Countrywide was reported in SoCal-- The Justice of rough music for the fictive genius of financial alchemy gone awry while guillotines are being secretly sharpened--
Rumors from the unleashed integrity of craven insider journalist Woodward hint that his pet subject he once fawningly knighted as 'The Maestro', an incoherent mumbling conductor who from the politically protected podium of his imbecilic wisdom once baton-ed the odiously orchestrated touting of these sub-prime ARMs, interest only mortgages and various other counterfeit financial experiments including venal ponzi mutations that have ultimately siphoned the American Dream out from under millions of soon to be if not already dispossessed dreamers, seems to have quietly disappeared from the collapsing milieu perhaps fearing the verbal abuse accorded the conundrum of his past 'achievements' or, more certainly, being fleeced by the karmic retribution he is owed for bequeathing such a devolving sour morass to his successor Chairman Ben--
Be that as any of it may, the prevalent fear currently gripping the globe will not dissipate soon and one day's numbers, up or down on The Dow, will not a blithe trend fashion-- The ubiquitous Headlines read like a funeral parade with caskets numbering so high as to be formidably prohibitive of ascertaining where the mourning should begin, if indeed we should grieve the passing of such predatory sharks in the first place-- Federal officials and private economists alike have yet to grapple down a meaningful survey as to the full scope and gravity of the problem while the market itself is forced by undefined events to perform triage on faltering lenders and moribund hedgers to the best of its suddenly exigent but clearly shaken abilities-- Those struggling officials may need no reminder but the faith-tested casualties of this metastasizing ordeal do in fact know who they are and these officials side by side their pretty-boy studio-entrenched enablers should assume beyond the faux sound-bite of errant doubt that the wounded are none too happy with their suddenly shrunken status and the negative confines of surly predicament--
The millions of those souls foreclosed upon and the hundreds of thousands of imminent lay-offs dispatched beyond anchoring ground must chart by example the difficult course change in life-style this emergent chaos will wreak upon the larger social group as a whole while this globalist epoch diligently unravels in arduous unmanageable dissonance-- There is nothing so far that the President or any of DC's upper echelon officials and midget statesmen as well as the exquisitely moneyed CEO's of floundering financial corporations has said or can believably intone in the near future to abate the extant dread and mounting demoralization wrought by the collapse of this international house of financial cards-- Not even the multitude of pandering Presidential rivals prancing about the American outback in solicitous splendor can stem the menacing tide of insolvency to which they are exceedingly oblivious to in the first place--
Rumors from the unleashed integrity of craven insider journalist Woodward hint that his pet subject he once fawningly knighted as 'The Maestro', an incoherent mumbling conductor who from the politically protected podium of his imbecilic wisdom once baton-ed the odiously orchestrated touting of these sub-prime ARMs, interest only mortgages and various other counterfeit financial experiments including venal ponzi mutations that have ultimately siphoned the American Dream out from under millions of soon to be if not already dispossessed dreamers, seems to have quietly disappeared from the collapsing milieu perhaps fearing the verbal abuse accorded the conundrum of his past 'achievements' or, more certainly, being fleeced by the karmic retribution he is owed for bequeathing such a devolving sour morass to his successor Chairman Ben--
Be that as any of it may, the prevalent fear currently gripping the globe will not dissipate soon and one day's numbers, up or down on The Dow, will not a blithe trend fashion-- The ubiquitous Headlines read like a funeral parade with caskets numbering so high as to be formidably prohibitive of ascertaining where the mourning should begin, if indeed we should grieve the passing of such predatory sharks in the first place-- Federal officials and private economists alike have yet to grapple down a meaningful survey as to the full scope and gravity of the problem while the market itself is forced by undefined events to perform triage on faltering lenders and moribund hedgers to the best of its suddenly exigent but clearly shaken abilities-- Those struggling officials may need no reminder but the faith-tested casualties of this metastasizing ordeal do in fact know who they are and these officials side by side their pretty-boy studio-entrenched enablers should assume beyond the faux sound-bite of errant doubt that the wounded are none too happy with their suddenly shrunken status and the negative confines of surly predicament--
The millions of those souls foreclosed upon and the hundreds of thousands of imminent lay-offs dispatched beyond anchoring ground must chart by example the difficult course change in life-style this emergent chaos will wreak upon the larger social group as a whole while this globalist epoch diligently unravels in arduous unmanageable dissonance-- There is nothing so far that the President or any of DC's upper echelon officials and midget statesmen as well as the exquisitely moneyed CEO's of floundering financial corporations has said or can believably intone in the near future to abate the extant dread and mounting demoralization wrought by the collapse of this international house of financial cards-- Not even the multitude of pandering Presidential rivals prancing about the American outback in solicitous splendor can stem the menacing tide of insolvency to which they are exceedingly oblivious to in the first place--
Labels: American Dream, Chairman Ben, Federal reserve, insolvency, Maestro, ponzi mutations
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