Surprised?-- Not in the least!-- The ardent AIPAC Senator Levin from Michigan has demanded that Prime Minister Malicki be removed from office by the Iraqi parliament and replaced by someone more attuned to American interests-- Never mind that the serious state of disrepair to which the crumbling Iraqi cabinet finds itself moored is more than acutely capable of withstanding the puerile onslaught of the senator's inane predilection for substituting asinine lecture for real world tactical expertise-- Who would the posturing Levin supplant Malicki with....... the duplicitous Ahmad Chalabi????-- Who competent enough is willing to risk the moniker of collaborator and the karma to which the perception of such treason accrues will step up to and face down the internecine murder rampant in the House of Baghdad???--
Never mind that Mr. Malicki today finds himself still on the top side of the soil primarily because his shrewd political dexterity maintains a necessary integrity in sufficient quantity to ward off assassination that would certainly occur were he to openly and servilely collaborate with the foreign occupation above and beyond the interests and needs of his own tribe and sect-- Over on the West Bank Mr. Abbas will soon wish he had the same skill and courage-- That Malicki's tightrope maneuvering could certainly cease at the drop of a hat is practically lost on the immature logic of Levin's inopportune and myopic m. o. which seems to imply in a klutzy nutshell that the louder he shouts at the Iraqis the greater the obedience he will exact in kind-- Malicki has demonstrated a dauntless fortitude, missing most assuredly from both the Neocon architects and senatorial critics, to engage with Iraq's Sunni and Shiite neighbors to attempt to rectify the insanely incendiary situation, doing so even in the constant face of an acute danger even Mr. Bush may not wish to terminate by offering this week's kiss-of-death public support-- Most of America's demanding silly-ass senators never venture beyond the Green Zone for their pre-packaged misinformation--
Adding her disingenuous voice to the coattails of Levin's jig in a furtive ploy to appear ahead of the curve (while trailing events in real time) Hillary has joined the feint by impulsively demanding, imagine this, 'a less divisive and more unifying figure', one who can ostensibly and single-handedly, of course, heal or bridge the hideous rifts violently separating these sectarian and tribal enemies-- Hillary's naive reading of the situation conjures up a wicked distortion that marks her not so much frustrated as delusional-- Does a single person wait somewhere in the shadows in or out of the Iraqi government readying himself to jump into the hostile fray with enough power and prestige, at Hillary's behest, to produce a Hollywood ending to a grave and perilous condition the side-effect of which would pave her ascension to the American Throne???-- Not, in the least, very likely-- Let everyone also hope she is not seriously prescribing for today's Iraq a pleadingly Rodney King type of moment followed by a Kumbaya reconciliation-- Wake up, Senators, neither of you are in charge of either the Iraqi government or events on the ground and injecting yourselves negatively into the mix adds nothing but sour fodder to our declining influence in the world-- This insurgency no matter how bastardized we paint it, will not kowtow to your demonstrably ignorant cajolery-- Screechy petulance is not a solution--
What has Malicki actually done that has fired this divisive disunity???-- The American presence demands he seek permission for nearly every act he performs in official capacity and every time he turns around the Neocon strategery has re-concocted a fresh gimmick designed to compel an increasingly fictional victory that will play well in the political-media sphere, absolve them of criminal complicity and intellectual malfeasance, and reward them by miraculously tying up all the loose ends of the greatest foreign policy debacle in American history just in time, you guessed it, for the fall election-- However, aside from the more practical and truly important tasks currently filling his overburdened plate, not to mention the ever present cross-hairs he subjects himself to, were Malicki himself to implore the US Congress to elevate a 'less divisive more unifying figure' to lead the American endeavor, odds are Hillary's candidacy would be hard pressed to survive the first cut--
Glaringly this also reveals these senators' inability to process the explicitly intense opposition even moderate Iraqis hold for the occupation as well as the Shiite majority's desire to hold on to power against the Sunni minority that so recently abused their rule over the now ascendant Shias--The four or five million refugees dislodged from their lives hold the US blameworthy and do not look upon their disheveled predicament as democratic liberation--Lacking this important perception yields an incoherence thwarting any reasonable chance for an efficacious outcome-- All else is tilting at political windmills-- Unwilling to cop to the deplorable facts that the occupation itself, for which compliant Hillary willingly cast an affirmative vote, infects the sectarian divide and further festers Iraq with a never-ending open-wound--
The frightened weak-willed demies may be way more than willing to forgive their own ignominious emasculation at the hands of Bush, Rove & Company because, after all, the lucrative radiant perks availing themselves upon even the minority continue to keep the demies in the bloated excess of splendor but on the difficult ground inside Iraq enflamed blood feuds will continue to exact their diabolical revenge until the spirit fully plays itself out not withstanding the prevalence of the dog and pony chart-briefings emanating from the air-conditioned Green Zone, the prolific positional term-papers dreamed up in think-tanks a thousand miles away from the dusty battlegrounds being contested, the tactical tweaking of amateur-hour strategists fill White House vacuums or the pervasive sound-bite posturing of a senatorial paradigmatic obliviousness-- Our leaders refuse to actually see what is really occurring on the ground in Iraq and most have no idea who the Iraqis really are-- The Hubris of our blindly exceptional-ist ideology prevents us from reacting in our own best interests-- How may these Senators rectify Iraq when their in-cohesive incompetence on the floor of our own Congress meets with mere 14% approval fooling not the other 86% of the American people??--
Never mind that Mr. Malicki today finds himself still on the top side of the soil primarily because his shrewd political dexterity maintains a necessary integrity in sufficient quantity to ward off assassination that would certainly occur were he to openly and servilely collaborate with the foreign occupation above and beyond the interests and needs of his own tribe and sect-- Over on the West Bank Mr. Abbas will soon wish he had the same skill and courage-- That Malicki's tightrope maneuvering could certainly cease at the drop of a hat is practically lost on the immature logic of Levin's inopportune and myopic m. o. which seems to imply in a klutzy nutshell that the louder he shouts at the Iraqis the greater the obedience he will exact in kind-- Malicki has demonstrated a dauntless fortitude, missing most assuredly from both the Neocon architects and senatorial critics, to engage with Iraq's Sunni and Shiite neighbors to attempt to rectify the insanely incendiary situation, doing so even in the constant face of an acute danger even Mr. Bush may not wish to terminate by offering this week's kiss-of-death public support-- Most of America's demanding silly-ass senators never venture beyond the Green Zone for their pre-packaged misinformation--
Adding her disingenuous voice to the coattails of Levin's jig in a furtive ploy to appear ahead of the curve (while trailing events in real time) Hillary has joined the feint by impulsively demanding, imagine this, 'a less divisive and more unifying figure', one who can ostensibly and single-handedly, of course, heal or bridge the hideous rifts violently separating these sectarian and tribal enemies-- Hillary's naive reading of the situation conjures up a wicked distortion that marks her not so much frustrated as delusional-- Does a single person wait somewhere in the shadows in or out of the Iraqi government readying himself to jump into the hostile fray with enough power and prestige, at Hillary's behest, to produce a Hollywood ending to a grave and perilous condition the side-effect of which would pave her ascension to the American Throne???-- Not, in the least, very likely-- Let everyone also hope she is not seriously prescribing for today's Iraq a pleadingly Rodney King type of moment followed by a Kumbaya reconciliation-- Wake up, Senators, neither of you are in charge of either the Iraqi government or events on the ground and injecting yourselves negatively into the mix adds nothing but sour fodder to our declining influence in the world-- This insurgency no matter how bastardized we paint it, will not kowtow to your demonstrably ignorant cajolery-- Screechy petulance is not a solution--
What has Malicki actually done that has fired this divisive disunity???-- The American presence demands he seek permission for nearly every act he performs in official capacity and every time he turns around the Neocon strategery has re-concocted a fresh gimmick designed to compel an increasingly fictional victory that will play well in the political-media sphere, absolve them of criminal complicity and intellectual malfeasance, and reward them by miraculously tying up all the loose ends of the greatest foreign policy debacle in American history just in time, you guessed it, for the fall election-- However, aside from the more practical and truly important tasks currently filling his overburdened plate, not to mention the ever present cross-hairs he subjects himself to, were Malicki himself to implore the US Congress to elevate a 'less divisive more unifying figure' to lead the American endeavor, odds are Hillary's candidacy would be hard pressed to survive the first cut--
Glaringly this also reveals these senators' inability to process the explicitly intense opposition even moderate Iraqis hold for the occupation as well as the Shiite majority's desire to hold on to power against the Sunni minority that so recently abused their rule over the now ascendant Shias--The four or five million refugees dislodged from their lives hold the US blameworthy and do not look upon their disheveled predicament as democratic liberation--Lacking this important perception yields an incoherence thwarting any reasonable chance for an efficacious outcome-- All else is tilting at political windmills-- Unwilling to cop to the deplorable facts that the occupation itself, for which compliant Hillary willingly cast an affirmative vote, infects the sectarian divide and further festers Iraq with a never-ending open-wound--
The frightened weak-willed demies may be way more than willing to forgive their own ignominious emasculation at the hands of Bush, Rove & Company because, after all, the lucrative radiant perks availing themselves upon even the minority continue to keep the demies in the bloated excess of splendor but on the difficult ground inside Iraq enflamed blood feuds will continue to exact their diabolical revenge until the spirit fully plays itself out not withstanding the prevalence of the dog and pony chart-briefings emanating from the air-conditioned Green Zone, the prolific positional term-papers dreamed up in think-tanks a thousand miles away from the dusty battlegrounds being contested, the tactical tweaking of amateur-hour strategists fill White House vacuums or the pervasive sound-bite posturing of a senatorial paradigmatic obliviousness-- Our leaders refuse to actually see what is really occurring on the ground in Iraq and most have no idea who the Iraqis really are-- The Hubris of our blindly exceptional-ist ideology prevents us from reacting in our own best interests-- How may these Senators rectify Iraq when their in-cohesive incompetence on the floor of our own Congress meets with mere 14% approval fooling not the other 86% of the American people??--
Labels: Bush, carl Levin, Hillary, hubris, Iraq, Malicki, Neocon
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