Tuesday, August 07, 2007


There is no quiet on the western front even though most of the players have departed the front lines for their vacation/recess/junket...... earned or not!!-- Heading for any available exits to leave town as quickly as possible, the cowardly demi-majority party in bitter cahoots with the rubber-stamp repo-minority party were only too happy to sell out The Constitution with nary a blink of the eye--Yes, that one, the same venerable Constitution for which our forefathers and mothers, those to whom Liberty meant more than expediency and self-enrichment, bled and died-- Doing so under the guise of National Security may avail a moral soporific for the under-taxed conscience but no amount of manipulative spin can truly contradict the inconceivably ugly spectacle of angry scampering rodent-like politicians running for cover in DC over the weekend--

Following the leadenly dispiriting lead of the imperiled Iraq Parliament many of whose cabinet level membership, particularly on the Sunni side, combined the idea of an opulent vacation with outright desertion, perhaps defection, the US Congress, in displaying distinctly less than puny mettle here, opted to actually earn their 75% dis-approval rating in American polls and confidently pretended immunity to any consequences resulting from the demeaning episode-- 'Sticks and Stones may break my Bones but being called names by Mr. Meanie Karl Rove may prevent my re-election-- Fall on my sword............... for the Constitution???!-- You're joking............. right??'--

Well now that the spineless demies have made America safe again by giving none other than the oft vilified, deservedly so, truth-challenged AG Gonzales surveillance power way above and beyond his wildest expectations, we can all sleep better for the malignant elitist effort-- AIPAC champion and Chairboy of the demi-Caucus, Rum Emanuel, expects lower-case congress to revisit its seditiously convenient decision inside of 6 months, but displayed no real ethical reservations whatsoever about prioritizing the importance of vacation perks over something as trivial as honoring The Constitution-- Such is the belittled quality of Statesmanship swirling around the drains of DC these days-- George Bush has been rumored to have referred to the Constitution as a 'god-damned piece of paper' but it more than appears now as if Congress in its self-indulgent summer regress echoes such sentiment as well while it cravenly sought in feigned anger and histrionically received political cover from its despised opposition in the dog and pony finale to the summer session--

The venality of grovelingly delusional politicians has never lately been so blatantly displayed as that of the peevish Senator Lindsay Graham in his prissy defense of the imaginary victory still possible in the botched occupation of Iraq on Meet The Press in late July-- Never mind the indisputable inefficacy of The Surge, the sudden shuffling of the entire blame for everything that has gone wrong in theater to Al Qaeda in Iraq, a non-existent terrorist gang prior to the Iraq occupation, has clearly become the most recent of the many ever changing goal posts this administration employs for its political cover whenever its previous strategy so visibly comes a cropper--With aid from a few renegade vigilante tribal sheiks of the Sunni sect, driving this ad hoc Qaeda crew from Anbar province will somehow provide a surreal operational template that will lead to victory countrywide sometime in the not too distant future, the roiled nervous Senator theatrically implied--

Since The Surge is no longer valid in strategic and operational terms the September deadline for demonstrable benchmark progress on the part of Iraq parliamentarians is simply no longer a valid qualification for success-- Therefore there is no need to withdraw or re-deploy troops because victory is still possible being just around a different corner than the one 6 months prior-- Lapdog Graham verbally espouses that the Al Qaeda group that General Petraeus himself ranks fifth from the top of the most violently capable groups in Iraq(actually finishing lower than the criminal gang category) is on the run in Anbar and hence in a truly bizarre extrapolation on the run all across the entire country as if the Iraqi Qaedas are somehow the entire insurgency-- Therefore the leap to a faith-based mirage of victory, well,...... it just cain't be too far behind-- Just gotta be there someplace--

Grasping at straws while vilifying its opposition represents the order or, should we acknowledge, the disorder of the day-- Inveighing fictive demagoguery against its meekly timid opposition(excluding Senator Webb) works appallingly well-- The weak-willed demies as a whole clearly running on fumes themselves with such an embarrassingly little amount of fight left in them at all allow Graham and his ilk the comfort of never having to face the facts of their multitudinous failure-- Neocon apologists can turn the abysmal fact that coalition forces somehow lost 100,000 AK-47's earmarked for Iraqi security forces into a fantasy victory canard with impunity-- Failing to account for the missing rifles was compounded by an inability to locate the 80,000 pistols earmarked for Iraqi police in the same package-- That these weapons wound up in the hands of all those insurgents so 'on the run' everywhere across Iraq meets with the flimsiest of denials--

This is classic ineptitude and it permeates the Neocon charade while the darling demies equally out of touch with reality mime an unsightly diffident but tangential pipe-dream...... the strange desire for political authority without any of its responsibility-- Facing a Wall Street festooned with fraud and deceit and a festering housing bubble lanced but leaking its usurious poison across the the world's financial order; Faced with the ongoing disintegration of Iraq, the tremors of instability region-wide and the criminal abuse and exhaustion of American Armed Forces.... Her truest sons and daughters ....... in this misguided and incompetent occupation; Faced also with an acute willingness on the part of uninformed leadership to deceive itself and the nation about the dangerous and extant ramifications of falling oil-production coupled with ever rising demand worldwide and to act as if the absence of any plans to confront the coming energy shortfalls is somehow excusable; Facing a population so clinically obese and so inclined to the indulgent escapist fantasy of Idol-fare and the unreality of reality-TV as to be virtually incapable of defending itself against the rigors of a sudden downturn or the slow collapsing of the economy; Facing a plethora of cities where killing zones have arisen and the police are at a total loss of how to stop the rampant murder; And now facing a backlog litany of dangerously unattended and un-repaired infrastructure built in the era of cheap oil and readily available material resources, a growing amount of which is simply too costly to maintain-- Instead of preparing Our People for the incumbent life-style alterations events will demand, our leaders devolve into court politics replete with the gossip, innuendo, incessant myopic analysis and the dirty money redundantly endemic to perpetual campaign fantasia and the accordant image it can buy-- Hologramatic and decadent.......!!!

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