Stock Market run-ups of recent seem suspiciously certain to garner much coveted year-end bonuses for the desperate soldiers of financial fraudulence as the Federal Reserve stands poised to ante-up a rate cut dispelling any real concern for Uncle Sam's greenback as the mangled credit-driven Last American Christmas waits with the ghost of Norman Rockwell in the darkness on the edge of town-- The dollar continues to lead with its chin absorbing the multiple punches world-wide disrespect delivers in such harshly unsentimental combinations while the unfeasible canards of the White House Plan to rescue the downtrodden victims of sub-prime mortgage finance-fraud give off the Clintonesque stench of just another artless photo-op--
Suspect numbers from government agencies, economic houses and statistical organizations paint a truly astounding picture of an economy firing on all cylinders except for the multiple millions of homeowners caught in the crossfire of home foreclosure and seriously ramped up costs of necessities like oil and food-- The multiple hundreds of thousands of construction workers no longer needed to over-build unwanted and unneeded houses-- Obviously minor glitches in the economic utopia Nafta was going to bestow upon the average american worker once the steel mills and textile mills were all outsourced-- Once the unions were devolved into the smoking ruins of an anachronistic labor movement-- Once Glass-Steagall was repealed by the good Clinton folks who after once being endorsed by the likes of Pete Seeger, sold out his own friends and family, his own party,the american worker, and the entire republic to international financiers with abhorrent criminal intent--
As the dollar staggers under the weight of unflinching insolvency and import costs rise for the lowly wage-earner, the numbers fantasia out of DC and Wall Street point to US exports as the new fictive engine that will drive us out of the potential grips of depression, recession, or retread stagflation-- Hollywood DVDs, dreamwork CD's and computer software will save the day and, voila!!, the US will regain its manufacturing and economic supremacy and the respect that engenders overnight-- The price of oil will fall of its own generosity and the discovery of mega-new supplies will segue into Ray Charles' version of 'Oh beautiful.....'-- Yeah, that'll work-- The collaborative media will make it work-- Build it with cyber-dollars and they will come--
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