Driving a gas hog Suv one block for a glorious photo-op in front of a local filling station a handfull of opportunistic senators rushing all of a sudden to appear 'out front' on the issue of high gasoline prices inspired such a lack of confidence in our current leaders and the comatose media that played along with the senatorial charade as to be downright revolting-- These are the hacks who will solve our problems?-- Please make your tax deductible checks payable to Re-elect Senator... she has addressed your concern or he was there when you needed him--Just to remind everyone the Democrats voted FOR the war in Iraq and their leaders continue to mimic the stay the course rhetoric espoused so
confidently by the current administration-- merely two
small reasons for the upward price spike in our continuing permanent energy crisis--As one astute pundit noted, since world war II every significant oil price spike has been followed by recession mostly of the deep variety--Don't worry says the hillarious senator we'll give you a Marshall Plan just make your check payable to....
Speaking of the punditocracy-- They seem to have finally noticed the oil/energy crisis-- They have always enjoyed a good Marshall Plan-- In the self gratitude of our hubris they chime forever it seems 'you know we saved Europe and Japan after the war'-- Really, you mean after we destroyed their second rate obsolete industry down to the nub of rubble we replaced it with state of the art factory technology and then protected their off shore oil supplies for over half a century with the blood and sweat of American boys all the while our industrial base deteriorates into physical collapse and the moral ennui of our workforce--It is true that now Europe and Japan (along with China)repay our largesse by financing the insidiously stupid debacle in Iraq as well as our magnanimously self indulgent debt-- Once more we remind ourselves that at the end of WWII we still had a small ocean of oil under Oklahoma and Texas most of which has now gone up in smoke-- When the Euro-Japan debt to us is finally repaid what will we have in return to show for it ?-- More debt?-- Less oil?-- New factories?-- More bodybags?-- New checkbooks printed in China?-- Just make them payable to the committee to re-elect.....