Saturday, November 25, 2006


Off and running the annual orgiastic shopping season is upon us-- Tales of mad shoppers trashing racks and shelves in pursuit of hot schlock-- Retailer gimmickry inviting shoppers to midnight sprees where police have had to intercede to quell the hideous pandemonium and potential bloodsport have profaned the season once more-- The American Excess Card leave home without it, pleassssse-- If shoppers engage in mudwrestling technique to score an understock special cabbage patch DVD what will they resort to when it is Oil that becomes understocked??-- And overpriced, to boot??
Black Friday numbers roll in with so much disinformational quality-- Extreme disparity especially when questionable spending must be reported in optimistic/fantastic light-- Wal-Mart Stores Inc., reported November sales fell overall by 0.1%, a worse performance in their last decade could not be found-- Walmart the world's largest retailer off to a sluggish holiday start even after lowering prices well in advance of Black Friday--Consumers packed malls and stores over the turkey weekend but anecdotal evidence noted that volume traffic doesn't always parallel volume sales-- Some observers attend this ritual simply for the juice-- Watching people is more fun than throwing away hard earned dollars whose value appears to be dissolving a lot faster than it took to earn-- Sooner or later the $40 gift gets resold at garage sales for a buck and a quarter--

"You already know it's a high traffic day," said Laura Richardson, a consumer
analyst at BB&T Capital Markets. "What I'm looking at is traffic relative to
what I'm used to seeing and the promotional efforts retailers are making. A lot
of companies I follow are cutting (prices) more than last year and not getting
great traffic. That's not a great sign for sales or profits."

Orders for U.S.-made durable goods declined 8.3% last month the most since July 2000 leaving very few to dispute the obvious slowing of an economy that no longer produces enough quality others want to buy-- Corporations nervy as the proverbial riverboat gambler when easy credit is even easier now get fraught with anxiety and extreme caution becomes the keywords of the day-- Vaulting from one extreme to the opposite, shoring up one's own position becomes paramount and employees no matter how loyal or talented suffer the selfish fallout-- The lump of coal pink-slip layoff finds its scroogelike way into the stocking hanging from the faux fireplace--
"We're going to see manufacturing edging down further in coming months.
Inventories among automakers and other companies are still too high, and as
final demand slows we should see production
as well.'' said Elisabeth Denison, an economist at Dresdner
Kleinwort in New York.
Sales of previously owned homes managed a small rise but consumer confidence,(Martin Crutsinger, AP Economics Writer) orders for manufactured goods and home prices all evidenced deterioration surprising the rosy scenario crackpots on Tuesday, but Wednesday's report showed Sales of new homes in the U.S. fell in October plunging 25 percent from the same month last year, signalling misplaced expectations that the housing slump might be over were not worth the paper they were printed on-- Growth if it doesn't go outrightly negative may stall completely just in time for the All-important secular holiday jousting ongoing in the combat zones we once referred to as shopping aisles-- November's consumer confidence stat was the lowest since August's 100.2 and well below economists' expectations of a 106 reading which has some explanation for supply of unsold homes at the current sales pace rising to 7 months' worth. The Fed is supposedly worried that a badly faltering housing market could seriously disrupt the economic applecart, but Fed Chairman Bernanke attempting to put the happy face on all the gloom said yesterday the economy is expanding "at a solid pace'' outside of housing and the auto industry-- Ain't the Housing and Auto sectors just the measely backbone of our economy???--
Like the proverbial boxer who leads with his chin the dollar continues to be drubbed this week and even the most wild eyed optimist/fantasist doesn't expect the downturn to cease anytime soon-- Pessimistic (Mark Twain once said'Pessimism' is the name weak nerve gives to wisdom) observers run the gamut with some speculation the dollar will drop up to 40% in value over the next two years-- Not an economic record either head of the one party snake controlling DC would like to stake its 2008 election hopes on-- Still the current media fixation on horse-race politics continues to act as if the most serious problem facing our country is who each side of the same failing coin will offer as its 2008 nominee-- Not much commentary from the punditocracy recently on the reviving oil price/supply crises and I doubt Harry Reid demi leader of the new Senate majority will read this blog but here is a headline link just in case...
Dreaming of a warm Christmas as the temperature here on the island drops and the busy boulevards and freeways in the Pacific Northwest ice over with more snow in the forecast-- Drivers praying someone guides their sleighs


Wednesday, November 22, 2006


After being giving a list of six demands by Bush security advisor Stephen Hadley that he would automatically be incapable of carrying out primarily the order to disarm and disband the shiite militias (ostensibly to include the one he belongs to) notably the Mehdi Army run by warlord Moqtada al Sadr coupled with the de-commissioning of the Iraqi group tasked with banning the Baathist Party, Nuri al Malicki the cross-haired Iraqi PM with the aid of a few Al Sistani advisors has to see he's being set-up for certain failure that would consequently yield a highly probable coup-- his own!!--
Rumors last month had US advisors on a quest in Jordan for a former Baathist General or two if possible willing to participate in a coup-- The Shiite militias have gravitated toward the influence and largess of Iran and the sectarian bloodletting at this stage of the game is completely beyond American expertise to control-- Thanksgiving week has seen the cascading carnage explode exponentially with the administration at a complete loss as to how to proceed from here-- Spokesman Tony Snow pathetically parsing the term 'Civil War' appeared incoherent as if possessed by the inanity of an outgoing Rumsfeld lecture-- Well why say anything if there isn't anything to say-- Iraq's life support system is failing fast and truly it is beyond time that the administration cop to the fact that: There Really Is No Iraq as we would like to define it anymore!!!-- The map is not the terrain-- The Think-Tank is not the field of battle--The Government housed in the GreenZone is not now nor ever shall be a representative democratic body-- It is merely an amalgamation of opposing sectarian militias and tribal warlords attempting to siphon as much money and arms from America and its diminishing will as it can and the administration is ideologically blind to this condition and too rigidly narcissistic to admit that these different sects and tribes prefer their way of life to the one our occupation is attempting to force down their throats--
Recent polls indicate sixty percent Iraqi support for armed resistance against
the United States, while approximately eighty percent of Iraqis support some
timetable for withdrawal, an indispensable indicator for Iraqi insurgents laying
down some arms
Tom Hayden's behind the scenes story at has James Baker informing one of Saddam's lawyers that Tariq Aziz would soon win release from detention to aid the US in negotiating with the Sunni insurgents-- Condi Rice recent diplomacy convert is apparantly attempting to develop contacts that will facilitate such discussions or negotiations-- The protocols of how Malicki's potential ouster would allow the Shiites to agree to share oil revenues equally with their former overlords the Sunni hasn't been explained unless the US totally allied with a new Baathist regime completely destroys Sadr City and the Mahdi army-- Shiites in Southern Iraq would most likely not take too kindly to such a development and remember the long supply line from Kuwait up through southern Iraq to the Greenzone fortress in Baghdad is largely 'protected' by Sadr/Malicki benefactor Ayatollah al-Sistani-- What an insane fiasco (admittedly an overuse of the most appropos term)-- Unmentioned in recent days Kurdish secession with their oil fields intact seems to be a fait accompli but how this will play in The New Sunniville is problematic at best-- Killing Malicki unlocks another door to another house of yet unseen horror-- Colonel Kurtz, where are you???--

If the US wants to terminate the continuing dissolution of the Baathist remnants of Saddam Hussein it reflects an old addage that 'if you can't beat 'em, join 'em'-- Some would say The Empire is throwing in the towel-- Saddam's boys have won--The Neocon Cabal still united around their malignant project for a new middle east have all blamed Bush and Rummy and Cheney (newly sidelined by Daddy Baker) and their complete ineptitude--The Ship of State is in dire straits-- The Dollar precipitously nosedived on Black Friday adding to the gloom already harbingered by the strangely timed death of noted free marketeer Milton Friedman-- Every American or at least those paying attention probably gave uneasy but heartfelt Thanks they could spend the holiday with their own family instead of being consigned to the Baghdad hellhole instigated by their current government in Washington DC-- That includes those demies who have gone silent about the war in the wake of the Repo-defeat-- Holiday Homage to Lame Ducks--

Monday, November 20, 2006


The hammer has struck the anvil-- After adopting master of end-game architecture Henry Kissinger's 'Victory' stance to replace the wornout stay-the-course mantra which turned out really to be no course at all, Mister Bush has been sent searching for a new shibboleth-- Military victory in the war ravaged country once called Iraq is no longer an option not to ask if it truly ever was but Kissinger portrayed a bleak vision of Iraq more insightful observers have courageously noted for over a year or more, "If you mean by 'military victory' an Iraqi government that can be established and whose writ runs across the whole country, that gets the civil war under control and sectarian violence under control in a time period that the political processes of the democracies will support, I don't believe that is possible." The envelope please,.....and the winner is.........Iran--

The same Iran the Bush boys in symbiotic cahoots with the suddenly unpopular leaders of Israel both of whom appear truly desperate for some kind of a redemptive victory in the face of embarrassing war failures and, yes, the same Iran both Bush and Olmert appear to actually want to bomb-- Charismatically paranoid Bibi Netanyahu has called for a pre-emptive nuclear strike against Iran-- Now though Kissinger among many others including the much ballyhooed Daddy Baker study group, diplomacy convert Condi Rice and of course the ever co-optic Hillary C. suddenly see Iran along with Syria as possible aides to achieving some kind of stabilization in Iraq-- Leaders from Iraq (viability of leaders still a question mark), Syria and Iran are currently in the process of diplomatic talks with each other(If Syria and Iran were able to stabilize the current sectarian situation/schism in Iraq without the help/participation of the US but that potential stabilization held requisite the disengagement of US troops from the arena would the US accept??)-- Rice and the others were apparently uninvited-- Kissinger continue to warn against a rapid withdrawal of coalition troops, saying it could destabilize Iraq's neighbors which of course was actually a sought after goal of the neocon PNACers who professed the 'creative destruction' of several regimes that along the way would usher in Condi's ridiculously insentive rendition 'The birth pangs of a new Middle East' that came on the heels of Israel's bombing of Qana Lebanon where 40 civilians mostly children were permanently destroyed by the death pangs of what..........??-The old (ages old) Middle East???--

A dramatic collapse of Iraq whatever we think about how the situation was created would have disastrous consequences for which we would pay for many years," Kissinger added seemingly unaware that the collapse of Iraq has already occurred and for those in no small number who have lost and continue to lose friends, relatives, homes, livelihoods, neighborhoods, entire industries, highways and byways, water and electricity and much of the other amenities inviolate to any sense to 'civilization' their consequences are unabashedly and quite demonstrably disastrous as it now stands-- Wake up, Mr. Kissinger, we cannot escape such responsibility for such destruction even as we try to spin our way out of it ('Peace with Honor') by refusing to recognize that this ugly chaos is presently a hard fact-- incontrovertible boots-on-the-ground fact!!-- You are very correct, Doctor K., it is your verb tenses that are not in sync with those facts-- Not 'would pay' but 'will pay' for many years-- And if the non-negotiable American way of life comes a cropper as a resultant consequence of such a stupid foray the neocon perpetrators from both sides of the aisle of this Imperial hubris and its utter failure should consider hunting their holes--

"I think we have to redefine the course, but I don't think that the alternative is between military victory, as defined previously, or total withdrawal," the Nobel recipient stated, which is tantamount to saying 'but don't ask me what course that alternative is'-- The American voters ringing anti-war anti-corruption vote did not endorse backsliding nor inaction-- Put up or shut up and go home--

Saturday, November 18, 2006


Prime Minister Tony Blair unguardedly agreed that Iraq was unquestionably a 'disaster'-- And all the fault lies not at the feet of the febrile neocon fantasy that initiated the decapitation and destruction of an entire country and then facilitated its murderous descent into an engulfing internecine ethnic and sectarian hatred-- No, not Mister Blair's fault nor Mister Bush's who still refuses to acknowledge the debacle-- Blair drops the heavy finger of blame on the Iraqi people who themselves had the unmitigated audacity to allow their own access to the inviolate necessities of 'civilization' like running water and electricity to be violently and semi-permanently curtailed and who are now so depraved (a recent description of the Iraqi people coined by neocon savant Richard Perle who now claims in an unwittingly perverse parody of neoconlite John F. Kerry he, Perle, was also for the invasion before he was against it) and savagely averse to being pawns to an occupation not of their choosing, they will never be capable of deserving the honor of liberation in the humane and noble attempt by the guardians of the Royal British Empire-- Pleasssssssssssse, ........Mr. Blair, take your medicine--

In fact many Neocon architects of this tragedy are now confessing their own mea culpas by repudiating not their own flawed and delusional constructs but the ineptitude and attention deficit disorder of President Bush and his dysfunctional administration-- Some go further and like Blair blame the Iraqi people as if their fierce resistance to imperial occupation were some kind of uncivilized character flaw-- Blair though giving a spectacularly hysterical anti-terrorist rant in midweek was clearly unnerved by the repudiation of the war in the US midterm elections and all the neocon rats deserting their now blithely deluded leader's ship-- Now of course his immediate concern is how to undo the damage as his candid remark reverberates through the largely fictional coalition of the willing--

Democratic leaders on the other hand particularly those in the DLC seem to have in mind an awkward alliance with John McCain's call for more troops attempting to mollify and temper the anti-war rage surfacing through the election returns hoping to lower expectations of any immediate pullback of our overburdened troops-- Forgetting so quickly the anger that motivated so many voters to the polls the tremulant behavior of the freshly elected democrat fundraisers is particularly galling but not unexpected from the timid manner they pursued and executed their campaigns-- The DLC wing pandered a pro-war position and lost many of those contests only now attempting to co-opt the Howard Dean led victory-- Patting Nancy Pelosi of the back while pulling the rug out from under her--

It seems the electoral victory didn't entail spinal implants or infusions of courage for the tin men who owe their allegiance to the special interest campaign money AIPAC's pro-war largesse has bestowed upon them-- If the Iraq War is a surrogate war for Israel perhaps it's time for them to come clean about it-- Fess up!!-- The Democratic party's closet neocons are just as culpable as Perle and Kristol-- We should know who and what we are fighting for over there and why these fundraiser elites find the continued dismemberment of young American men and women and potential governmental bankruptcy a suitable risk in sustaining their under the table support for this unvarnished disaster-- Blair and the original Neocon Cabal have overtly and clearly now admitted it is definitely NOT!!!!..... for the Iraqis--

Wednesday, November 15, 2006


Here we go!!!--The honeymoon for new Speaker of the House Coach Nancy Pelosi has come to an abrupt halt-- Pity!!--Not that the Sunday Seattle Times cartoon depicting Pelosi as the new sheriff on the block charging into the oval office at the White House ordering doughboy Rove to douse his cigar and take his fat feet off the table while Bush and Cheney play a monopoly-like boardgame of risky world endeavors like Iraq endeared Madam Pelosi to the independents and skeptics of the world even less than Maureen Dowd's nostalgic feminist midweek harangue posing as insightful election analysis-- Vindictively flawed Dowd pronounces the voting public chose John Tester Montana's redneck organic farmer and once a marine always a marine James Webb because they represented the voter's need for a 'Mommy' that the sicko Repo-men couldn't supply-- Enter ascension certain to gnaw at one Mrs. Clinton and her presidential ambition-- Pro-Hillary media hacks find the current lame duck congressional session the perfect time to take Pelosi's rising star down a notch or two-- Pelosi is from California a state whose presidential primary Hillary would need to win to secure the nomination a task made less difficult if Pelosi, who might possibly entertain larger ambitions than just first female Speaker of the House, were tarnished by a defeat or two along the way--

Beyond this potential catfight to the more immediate situation here again the anti-antiwar amoebas at the DLC have sought to sabotage the larger party not to mention the anti-Iraq War will of the voting public and all for their own personal power-- While Howard Dean victorious architect of the demies 50 state strategy continued to be smeared by the likes of DLCers Beguila and Carvile bitter leftover Clintonian hacks who aided the Bush re-election by supporting buffoonish john F. kerry, John Murtha Pelosi's point man against the war and her choice for the majority leader in the house succumbed badly to 25 year representative Steny Hoyer so moderate and conciliatory none of his political stands or achievements were evidently available at posttime-- Pro War Rahm Emanual authorror of The Loser Strategy which saw 13 of his handpicked largely pro-war slate of 22 candidates go down to defeat was elevated to the #4 slot as the chairman of the Demie Caucus a clear victory for AIPAC and its support for the Iraq War--

The veneer of Superwoman coming into power to clean-up Repo-corruption and set the religious crazed world of the neo-con in order has been clearly besmirched by Murtha's considerable rout-- Victory hubris aside Pelosi the savvy political saviour mere men in Dowd's snide but tiring brand of feminist delusion would never risk 'messing with' should have known the votes were not there-- If she can't chose her own whip how will she lash the freshly enfeebled and defeated opposition into obeisance??-- The onus is now clearly on Pelosi to demonstrate effectively that she can get the job done-- While raising the minimum wage hardly qualifies as an agenda(it should be accomplished political noses to the grindstone in about four hours) it might suffice to resurrect Pelosi from this initial embarrassing stumble-- Who knows what Hoyer's position on a politically sensitive practice like earmarks will be but its Nancy who is in charge of setting the moral tone for the new House majority, and alas, we know how Lawwoman Pelosi stands "There are many earmarks that are very worthy - all of mine, as a matter of fact."

Reform corruption??-- Not this time around!!!!

Monday, November 13, 2006


President Bush fresh from his midterm electoral defeat stakes out the stubborn 'victory' turf and now defies the demies to offer him fresh ideas on the Iraq Front-- He is listening he says but not talking--Talking to Iran or Syria may be a plank in Daddy Baker's group study but his Israeli handler Ehud Olmert another failed war leader with home polls below 30% met Bush in DC this week most assuredly discussing their mutual interests including a political survival that necessitates no talks with Iran-- The only 'victory' solution contemplated on this front is world isolation-- These two endangered politicians fit the profile of outgoing DEF SEC Rumsfeld's 'dead-enders'-- Olmert most probably assured Bush that the AIPAC Lobby would prevent the demies from too loudly exercising demands about seeking help from either Iran or Syria or both to quell the insurgent chaos in Iraq-- Olmert claimed the Iraq War had actually stabilized the Middle East-- Is this the blind leading the blind or what??-- The audacity of bastardized hope??--

Israeli allies in the American media have lauded the demie advance in the midterm election and painted it as a victory designed and executed by dual citizen Illinois rep. and DLC theoritician/operator pro-war Rahm Emanuel despite mounds of factual evidence to the contrary-- Mister Emanuel's candidates including the pro-war amputee Tammy Duckworth lost at considerable monetary cost to the party-- Howard Dean the demie's National Party Chairman, whose party failed to support his early voice against the neo-con stupidity backing the buffoonish John Kerry (Whoops, John F. Kerry) instead, deserves the lion's share of the credit--His 50-State strategy won the House and The Senate but did so only by aiding candidates who among many other issues besides prominently strong anti-war positions advocated such inalienably expressed pro Gun-Rights as well as Pro-Life issues much to the chagrine of the 'anti-redneck anti-religionist' DLCers-- Hillary Clinton the frontrunner for the demies in 2008 had the ignominious award for spending the most money in her lightly contested race and along with fellow DLCers continues to bash Dean--The DLCers would not have put time or money into John Tester's Montana campaign and were openly opposed to anti-war James Webb in the democratic primary--The demies have a battle for their soul brewing and whether or not they are up to the task will be determined after the victory hubris has worn off-- Rove's strategy for the final two years of the Lame Duck sit-com is obviously divide-and-conquer where he can and where he can't, stonewall by veto-- Time is not on his side and neither are events both of which offer little if any sustenance for the demies either but since their non-defeat takes precedence they have reaped first serve-- Will they or can they hold it and for how long??-- Can they all gravitate to the same page??-- World events are proceeding at a pace not designed to reward internecine sloth or deleterious foot dragging--

Thursday, November 09, 2006


The first casualty of the iminent Demi takeover is everyman's bogeyman Donald Rumsfeld-- Presiding over the Defense Department's deadly lecture with a stubborn stern certitude no one managed to penetrate for better or worse-- Robert Gates former CIA director but more recently a player in the James Baker Iraq study group will replace Rumsfeld and most likely bring with him the Baker Plan for charting a new course in Iraq featuring talks with Syria and Iran-- The same plan Hillary Clinton, the senator who lavished multi-millions of dollars on her own re-election bid, attempted to co-opt in typical visionary term paper form in the final run-up to the midterm election-- The prickly Rumsfeld won't be missed by many if any actually but his disappearance from the scene won't alter the carnage in Iraq in the short term nor will it lessen the carnage going on in the Housing sector, the almost immediate uptick in oil prices, or the ominous comments from China concerning diversification of their currency reserves and the damage a falling dollar could inflict on American incomes/life styles-- Since the demies didn't exactly explicate their positions on these converging economic debilitations we must hope they recover from their victorious hubris before these competing trainwrecks completely demolish our nation's immediate future--
The voters were clearly heard with regard to Iraq-- Every candidate with an anti-Iraq War position front and center in their campaign.... won!!!!-- Even the anti-antiwar amoebas at the DLC will be very hard pressed to misread this message-- The last-gasp desperate childish mudslinging offended/angered everyone everywhere and cast a rude pall over the entire election-- There is an undercurrent of discontent in the American body politic which the contrived red vs. blue fails to account for or explain in terms either party may find conducive to future elections-- The Republicans have to rebuild completely-- Districts gerrymandered into supposed impregnability failed-- John McCain may be the front runner of his party but his party is the big loser here politically and militarily-- Leadership options should be wide open but gubernatorial Repo's took a huge hit-- George Allen once portrayed as presidential timber is now damaged goods beyond repair-- Rudy G's intelligence would be severely questioned should he volunteer to pick up Humpty's scattered pieces and attempt to reconstruct-- Newt Gringrich??-- Well is he still championing eternal war and the clash of civilization??-- The repo-men are headed for the political wilderness-- Chuck Hegel may be their man but do they want someone with integrity??--
The main question for the demies beyond victory spoils is whether they have the nerve to lead and will they confront the above mentioned problems threatening to envelope the US in recession or worse or will they cower behind the perks of power in their chairmanships and investigate the losers to death and the rest of us right along with them-- Payback can be a bitch but Victory in politics does not guarantee success-- Good Luck, America

Tuesday, November 07, 2006


Election day and the big question is not who are we voting for but what are we voting and how can we possibly know???-- One party running from its record and the other running from having to offer an agenda--Most Americans seem to know the litany of major problems facing our country and many despair that their choices will not effectively offer real solutions to those problems-- Despair downwardly spirals into resignation and soon there follows the annilhation of truly significant morale-- This election has not and will not deliver an agenda of real hope-- Real hope does not find its origins in the mudslinging and venally petty verbal assaults our unctiously moneyed politicians volley across the blathersphere and through the microphones of the devolved hacks fronting a media devoid of integrity-- This is an election incapable of settling debateable issues-- No issues were even debated when slickly positioned candidates managed to agree to debate, (the new meaning of the word entails standing on stage with your opponent mouthing vague platitudes and looking photogenic)-- Turnout by my guess will be low but the number of voters casting ballots in anger will no doubt rise precipitously-- Though most pundit analysts will not seriously broach this topic with any but slack-jawed seriousness-- The political undercurrent running through the America that doesn't vote is also one surviving candidates had best not lose heed of--No one can win this election--

Thursday, November 02, 2006


The agenda challenged Democrats still have John F. Kerry to kick around and so do the Republicans-- In new-age guilt-free parlance that must be a win-win, no?-- The Party of Franklin Roosevelt and the Party of Abraham Lincoln cannot deny they have hit the bottom of the barrel-- The Bull Moose Party would have a field day with these dolts-- Don the I-man Imus even told Kerry to shut-up get off the stage lock himself in the attic zip the lip go for a cruise in a swiftboat whatever just disappear which Kerry unabashedly accepted-- Bush and Cheney jumped all over the Kerry blunder displaying their own hideously noxious desperation-- The administration running from the Iraq disaster by staying the 'fictional' we are winning course which in real terms means more maimed and dead in support of political charades-- The Democrats are running away from a 'defining' position out of fear Mr. Meanie Rove will paint them with naughty words calling their absent courage into question-- Ineptitude at its finest-- The worst Congress in History-- The worst Presidency in History-- Petty vulgar vile mean-spirited ignorant stupid greedy cowardly creepy self-absorbed power-hungry aphrodisiac-driven liars a degenerate media portrays as you guessed it....public servants-- The show must go on-- Helluva job, Kerry--
Despite the buffoonish puffery of inside the beltway politics where the scum also rises as Hemmingway once might have penned, real America is looking at problems the likes of which neither party wishes to confront-- The ridiculous election whichever way it goes will not stop the big lump of coal heading for the dismal Christmas stockings of mall addicted Americans-- Richard Iley, senior US economist at BNP Paribas in New York, said: "This is an economy slowing down rapidly as the housing market loses pace." A slew of anxiety permeates the sales prognoses at Walmart, Gap, Target as Iley adds,"The tectonic plates of the economy are shifting and that spells very gloomy news for the American consumer." The politicians are more concerned about a botched joke by a failed presidential contender not even up for re-election-- The fact that some even address the issue and its potential effect or non-effect on the elections outcome illuminate just how myopic and out of touch these glorified fundraisers have become--Did Kerry know it was botched and when did he know it??-- "Of course, now Senator Kerry says he was just making a joke, and he botched it up,'' the vice president announced in Kalispell where he was campaigning for convicted and jailed black Jack Abramoff's bagman Konrad Burns. ``I guess we didn't get the nuance. He was for the joke before he was against it." -- Helluva job, Kerry!!!--