Wednesday, May 31, 2006


Memorial Day came and went and the echo of the feeble Bush/Blair joint search for some strange measure of attonement without once referring to the massive destruction laid on innocent life as a result of their neocriminal rush to pre-emptive war wafts across America's graveyards (as well as Iraq's) bereft of any understanding of their connection to or their own complicity in this world tragedy-- Their ludicrous hubris unveiled by their noxious reference to how history futurewise will view their stand states in no uncertain terms how far divorced from the reality-based theatres of world/war politics their self-absorbed narcissistic spawn has led them-- Neither man knows the real terror of the situation working itself out boots-on-the-ground in Iraq nor seems truly interested-- The more ignorance we feign the less we can be blamed for is probably not the first use of such defense--"Bring it on" now not as instigation of the insurgency nor as mea culpa but as a 'misinterpretation' by others-- Who will dispute that the insurgency has indeed brought it on and continues to do so and by doing it so well attracts dedicated others to their lethal cause--The frequency of attacks grows and the misguided hope that the new 'greenzone' government now sporting a Minister of Tourism but not yet a Minister of Defense/Interior will somehow stop diminish or even slow the intensifying mayhem seems a grasping at the straw that's breaking the camel's back-- Merely holding elections does not grant sovereignty nor legitimacy-- Maybe Washington D.C.'s world paradigm is the big problem-- 'It just didn't work out like we hoped.'-- And it is a far cry from yet being finished-- Mission not accomplished--

Friday, May 26, 2006


Karl Rove royal hatchetman of the Bush administration and unrepentant architect so far of the desperate retro-gambit to mount a crucial campaign designed to save the republican majority in congress in the upcoming midterm elections must feel like a tightrope walker balancing hardball politics with the potential criminal indictment hovering over the periphery of the almighty news-cycle-- One elephant (out of a whole circus of elephants) rampaging in the national living room that was willing to confront albeit running a little ahead of itself it seems as no other media outlet would confirm deny or even editorially speculate on except of course the pleistocene Wall Street Journal's editorial board which used the opportunity to attack both the messenger and the entire blogosphere instead of removing the cobwebs from its own blindered vision and actually asking-- 'Has Rover been indicted??'-- A menagerie of no-comments from everywhere (even from the prosecutor himself), perhaps we should ask Bobby Woodward for his take?-- Why such a blackout??-- Rove's lawyer pulling out all stops even secured what must be an unprecedented fifth or sixth trip to the grand jury for Roverboy to retestify again and again-- To save himself has Rover cashiered by the Dark Force now come to the Forces of Light?-- Has he turned state's evidence???--Hey, every man for himself and God against all-- Is the Embunkered One now a prosecutorial target???--
Now to the uproar over the FBI raid on Congressman Jefferson's office replete with 'over my dead body' threats to resign from Justice Department wigbigs (Joyce would say 'oaproariose as ten cannons in a skelter fugue') and battle-joined by house speaker Coach Hastert himself leads one to believe that more than Mr Jefferson has reason to believe such fishing expeditions may have located a whole school of palm-greased bottom feeding cynical fatfish congressional hacks-- Was Abramoff the only bribester in D.C. or just the only one caught??-- What happened and why to the bribesters who bagged Duke Cunningham?-- Why would Bush want to intimidate this spineless do-nothing congress when they have been in his pocket for nearly six years??-- Both sides of the aisle seem to be unduly frightened by what might be in Jefferson's gathered evidence-- Or perhaps in their own databases/harddrives-- How many culprits could each party lose to implosive scandal and indictment before election day?-- Something is rotten in the state of K-Street and how many offices down there will be warranted for search?-- Watch who and how the 'insolence of office' displays its imperial offense and who if anyone calls for accountability and who ultimately decides not to seek re-election-- Senators are purportedly allowed to keep campaign contributions when opting for retirement-- Can the center hold?-- Will it?-- Should it??-- Roverboy resurrecting the flag burning (so obviously a clear and present danger) ammendment as a midterm election issue (pathetically, that's one more quivered arrow than the democrats' flaccid political arsenal carries) delineates the 'rough Beast' definitely 'slouching' toward D.C.-- Not so widening a gyre do you hear our energy future slowly circling the drain??-- Do you hear the call for a new Party (Coming Are The Times @ )?-- An Independent party???

Wednesday, May 17, 2006


The Democratic party is now it seems an odds-on shoo-in to retake authority in congress in the upcoming mid-term elections this fall--Subpeonas are being unsheathed and such camerahog stallwarts as Sen. Schumer are salivating at the prospect of free media face time in the upcoming investigatory extravaganza -- Short on substantial solutions to our debt dependency and other looming financial disorders no longer very well hidden in our glorious house of economic cards not to mention the extreme cowardice exemplified in their refusal to confront anyone least of all themselves concerning the Iraqi elephant raising such a ruckus with the shock and awe of our own hubris the democrats commonly depreciated in the many circles of overheard conversation lately as 'pathetic' have proven worthy of such mantles by opting for a strategy of attempting victory by default--Their opposition is expected to be so fractured by an internecine collapse of political discipline coupled with the baggage of a severely weakened politically deadbeat if not indicted white house that such a spineless hallucinatory strategy offers such potentially profound rewards--As if everyone except the Democrats is in favor of higher gas prices and against the canards of alternative energy--There was a time not so very long ago when democrats weren't ruled by political soccer moms-- Back then they were men-- 'Helluva Vision' -- Check it out!!-- it's the new CD by the ghost of Woody Guthrie--

Friday, May 12, 2006


The once mighty dollar nosedives again and again--The fire sale seems to be full-on--And those being burned will be ordinary hard working Americans--One rumor making the rounds declares China is now ready to decouple its currency from the dollar and the subsequent speculation is expectations the dollar will drop 25% of its value --Very suddenly it will take $3.75 to purchase the recently exhorbitant $3.00 gallon of gasoline--The 30/60 mile per day commute will just edge a goodly large number of those indebted Americans over the cliff into bankruptcy-- Minus gasoline purchases the April retail sales numbers show consumer purchases nearly negative-- recessionary spending.--The horrific(even reported as price gains over year to date median prices nationwide are down from $243,000/Jan.'06 to$217,000/April'06) housing numbers portend doom and rising foreclosure in the bubble-- Prices and sales are dropping not just exclusively in the formerly hot markets but elsewhere as well--Dreams are being devalued dramatically and the standard of living of millions of Americans is in the water circling around the drain-- Millions of commuters are faced with the choice of making their monthly credit card payments mortgage payments and utility bills or filling the gas tank so they can get to work-- How many non-performing loans can the banking system sustain? How many failed pension plans from the private sector can the Feds bailout?-- The present government when it evinces enough courage to actually face the reality of the current situation seems caught between the incapability of meaningful response and outright paralysis-- Will photo-op politics save the day?-- The wilting failure of the U.S. Congress to fashion an Immigration bill clearly delineates the pathetic disappearance of courage and statesmanship -- In D.C. everyone's finger is in the wind and too many palms are under the table-- Incumbent fund raising seems more important than the ship of state--The old order of the world we have been accustomed to is fading away-- The new world order is chaos--

Thursday, May 04, 2006


Senator Cantwell voted for higher oil prices the minute she said yes to George Bush's misbegotten neocon adventure in Iraq. Indigenous oil reserves are being nationalized the wide world over and the essential American energy sources are no longer stable anywhere.The amount of 'proven reserves' the big oil companies bring to market yearly are not being replaced by new discoveries. Higher demand (China and India) plus lower supply equals higher prices. Cantwell's solution to the relentless upward charge of those oil prices is to "declare a temporary energy emergency followed by congressional investigations." The energy crisis already evidenced has the earmarkings of being permanent. Investigations are always good for political incumbents in need of media exposure when they are running for re-election but Cantwell's ploy is so misinformed as to the nature of the world energy situation as it exists in the real world as to render it laughably absurd. Almost as absurd as the Seattle Times editorial question "What are the oil companies doing to protect their american consumer?" The Big Oil Bogeyman coerced the american consumers into buying gashog suv's??-- Isn't it the Seattle Times who instead of infotaining consumers should inform and educate them as to the brave new and precarious energy world toward which we are indulgently driving ourselves?

Senator Cantwell's Seattle Times op-ed piece on the Iraq front is clearly an attempt to mitigate the deafening silence of the cowardly democratic stance that seeks to echo the Bush position of 'staying the course'. Once again either misinformed or misapprehending the situation on the ground outside the green zone in Iraq she fails to note that Iraqi sectarian civilians are killing each other night and day left and right and up and down and in and out. By any definition this IS civil war and to pretend otherwise is to willingly don disengenous blinders that enable her to protect her charade of actually having a position differing (in fact, not one wit) from the delusions of Mr. Bush and the neocon republicans. The elected government is now housed in the green zone because the rest of the country is too dangerous. It is a government with very little territory and virtually no sovereignty. Even in the less dangerous areas the Shite militias in the south and the Kurdish Pesh Merga fighters in the north control the police forces and they have not pledged allegiance to the newly 'elected' assembly. Come on, Senator, take a real position. And to the Times, Wake Up!!