Saturday, June 30, 2007


The contentious Immigration Bill fizzled to the floor once again with another proverbial whimper-- The mammoth Senate flounder failed to round up enough necessary votes as it bumbled its way to the disappointing ash heap it, once again, deserved-- Another crucially embarrassing performance, or lack thereof, by an impotent, ineffectual and as incompetent a group of statesmen leaders ever assembled in the US Senate-- Mr. Bush lines up votes in the Senate like he goes to war in the Middle the cuff of some kind of fantasy!!!!--

If the votes are not there by a long shot, and everyone knows it in advance, why sully the process, the institution, and, ultimately, yourself by flailing at imaginary victory??-- The DC echelon appears ensnared in some desperate death wish-- Are they not saying in effect that if success is unattainable lets fail in the most pathetic way possible with maximum public exposure??-- Perhaps, we have exported our democracy to Baghdad minus, of course, the caveat of acute sectarian bloodshed that persistently beleaguers al-Malicki and his rather vain attempts to serve the people of Iraq in the face of military occupation and tribal war-- In his case, he has a genuine excuse!!--

It is both sadly telling and yet unsurprising that American confidence in their Congress ebbs in below even that of forlorn Mr. Bush and his dismal lack of positive eye-popping numbers-- To put an obviously dwindling prestige on the line in such haphazard haste for such an arcanely addled legislative charade riddled with bureaucratic complexities is to court a high order magnitude of doom-- Where did 'merit-based point formulas' ever gain credence as viable reform and who on earth could think they could sell it to the American citizen much less illegal immigrants themselves??--

It becomes even sadder to see this meltdown covered so theatrically by many in the mainstream as a major blow to Mr. Bush as if the weak-willed Harry Reid-led demies bear none of the brunt of this bruising public failure-- Once again Reid takes an issue to the Senate body without enough players or even the slim probability of passage-- Most football coaches , if not all, would rather be caught dead than voluntarily take the field with a offensive game plan featuring an absent quarterback and several defenders-- The gluttony of defeat this crew revels in is mind boggling--

The passionate expression surrounding this disputatious and explosive issue will now be allowed to fester in the teeth of economic hardship throughout the long hot summers of '07 and '08 until the elections ratchet up to an ugly intensity and riot becomes a possibility-- Let us all thank these candidate weasels for pimping this volatile issue to maximum political temperature and then leaving the room-- The bill failed because it was a terrible bill and because it sought, foremost for political advantage, to portray a possibility it knew it couldn't deliver-- Attempting to embarrass political opposition by smearing itself with the stink of failure is self defeating futility, if not insane, and irresponsible cynicism at its most visible-- Its failure earlier in the month did not ring a bell to reform advocates that troublesome elements in the prospective legislation needed to be altered in meaningful ways, not just cosmetically tweaked for public relations value-- Bush and his demie coalition did not lift the heavy timber far enough in advance to cobble real victory together and both now wallow like lame, if not dead, ducks in the humble pie of their own making--

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Thursday, June 28, 2007


The resounding show of support for the evicted Fatah Leader Mahmoud Abbas at the recent 4-way summit at Sharm el-Sheik may reverberate faux optimism amongst the member participants but certainly few if any other responses to the most recent flash point of military defeat offered any legitimate forecasts of success-- The redoubtable quality of the actors in this emergency drama leave plenty to be desired and fresh confidence from favorable outcomes may find manifestation difficult if not impossible to attain --

Egypt internally appears so fearful of nervous breakdown and internecine chaos that its ability to act decisively beyond its borders must be considered suspect-- Jordan, considering the precipice it finds itself apprehensively facing due to the sizable number of Palestians as well as Iraqi refugees residing inside its territory, appears somewhat placid, perhaps calm before the storm may be more apropos a description of its current condition, but, at any rate, it must also be considered, somewhat generously, as less than vibrantly capable or strong at the moment-- Israel beyond doubt is a near basket-case as a country, being led by a embarrassingly incompetent war-loser renowned widely for his inability to make good on his promises now basking in 3% poll popularity, as a country extolling denial even in the brazen face of chronic out-migration from the most talented of its citizenry, as a country enduring the dangerously demoralizing issue from economic stagnation, and the fear of apoplexy induced by the near total depletion of faith in their entire political order-- The continuing dissolution of its authoritative credibility does not denote a position of strength in todays' roiled Middle East--

And now these Big Three intend to bank their money and arms as well as their no longer credible futures on Mr. Abbas, another bribery-diminished leader of a fractured organization, most every observer realizes, is no longer totally controlled or unified, if it ever was, by its nominal leader-- An air of panic permeates the sudden creation of this summit, so massively over-covered by mainstream media but conspicuously unattended by the Saudi players, that belies the buoyancy of this rather blind improvisation-- Abbas as an undeniably visible crony to Israeli fixers, a Vichy kind of fellow, will never have the support of street level Palestinians no matter how much force he uses in attempting to secure it-- The more force he desperately applies the quicker and wider Fatah falls apart--

And what kind of offerings does the once proudly, if you remember distinctly, and politically credible Mr. Bush bring to the rallying rings of this last ditch circus??-- In a nutshell not very much-- Ladies and Gentlemen, Middle Eastern Envoy, Lord Anthony Blair-- Yes, the same Mister Blair who helped architecture the fiasco in Iraq and who will now use his considerable expertise, assuming he survives his obligatory turf war with State Sec Condi Rice, to solve the most intransigent complexities in recent Middle Eastern history-- Yes, that same Mr. Blair who on the day after vacating the storied premises of #10 Downing Street became the first former Prime Minister of England to ever be interrogated (for a third time) by British Police, you know, the almost mythical Scotland Yard,(doesn't quite reverberate as it once did, but a reputation much less tarnished now than, say, 'The Bureau's) concerning cash payments received for dispensing purchased 'honours'--

Blair will almost certainly be 'honoured' by this Middle Eastern quartet in their time honored tradition-- In fact this looks to be his big payout, big stage remuneration of the Neocon gratitude for turning a blind eye to all their bullshit passing itself off as real world intel in the run-up to Eternal War and for prancing around like a banty rooster confidently reveling in the bygone days of Imperial Romance and for refusing to acknowledge the utter defeat this maladroit enterprise continues to inflict upon his country and its supreme ally-- If this tragedy of error multiplied were not so emblematic of a world order in acute disrepair on the perimeter of outright collapse, Blairs parody of world leadership might have even been theatrically comedic instead of so painfully laughable--

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Tuesday, June 26, 2007


How is this for utter brilliance??-- The bloody Brits are proposing draft, or daft(?), sanctions to target Iran's shipping lanes--Cutting off the proverbial nose to spite their unapologetically imperial face, Lord Blair's boys seek to deny passage to any Iranian vessels in foreign waters as well as forbidding Iranian aircraft to "take off from, land in, or overfly" Royal British Empire territories-- Coming at a time concurrent with the apparent inability of the oil producing countries of the world to stanch their ongoing decrease of petroleum exports, these sanctions appear a prescription for imminent economic disaster worldwide but then again it could just be part and parcel of the peculiar genius empires with manifestly shrinking territory, resources, and influence so readily employ to waltz themselves into inevitable oblivion with the panache of an idiot's certitude--

The worlds great oil producing and oil exporting countries are seeing year over year declines in both capacities-- Everywhere in the industrially advanced world homeboy demand for oil (to both burn and hoard) is clearly rising while production is falling-- In Lord Blair's Kingdom of the Pomes, 'the UK portion of the North Sea oil fields may be showing a nine percent annual decline for the past couple of years. But it's export capacity has declined 60 percent.' or so says Jeffrey Brown an independent petroleum geologist out of Dallas, Texas-- One must assume that Texican oil geologists might know a thing or two about the 'ol bidness'--

Given that dramatic or, rather, drastic decline in oil exports in Lord Blair's Empire, thereby not upholding their full obligatory share of the responsibility for insuring the globalist delusion doesn't run shy of lifeblood, doesn't it seem a wee bit short sighted, not to mention self-destructive, to sever Iranian oil from the market allocation by which the world economy thrives-- Does it not appear hysterical to inflate an enemy whose entire GDP is around 2% of the US Defense budget into a monstrous bogeyman that so frightens us with dread and insecurity our only overture is the inefficacy of silence followed by the stupified think-tank bravado that drives us into sending other peoples children into a war that will never grant us the safety so craved by so many???-- Will we, out of that abject fear, the fear that attacks the soul, seek to preserve and protect our materially excessive way of life and economy by implementing a cursed stupidity easily more capable of destruction than salvation???-- Do these career compartmentalized bureaucrats ever connect the dots to anything beyond the walls of their cubicles??--

Lord Blair the proposed Middle East envoy to what purpose??-- Prolonging the inevitable until his war-crimes crony leaves office and the deluded twosome can ride off into the sunset of Churchillian fantasy and dump their doomed ludicrous debacle into the lap of the world oblivious to the carnage and destruction they have wrought????-- The American people are not proud of their leadership and they are not and cannot be proud of not only what Lord Blair and Bush have failed to accomplish in Iraq but also the mendacious tenacity they employ to deny their own culpability--
How will a chief perpetrator of the Iraqi calamity broker any peace between Israel and Hamas, or between Hamas and Fatah, or between Israel and Hezbollah or between Israel and Syria or Iran???-- For years Blair has been able to hang on to his PM position through a constantly repetitious self righteous rational for attacking a country not involved in 9/11 while completely ignoring in public the sour outcome the Iraqi people have had to endure as a direct result of his shared command policy-- Lord Blair not only helped engineer this fools errand but audaciously championed it with a faux moral rectitude that most of all fooled himself first and foremost-- Blair's baggage will not only encumber any peace initiative before it can attempt to fly but also serve as a constant reminder of late twentieth century history featuring corrupt ex-officials, political hacks and other imperial hangers-on no longer useful to homefront governments finding their ultimate rewards by putting their hands into Royal Saudi pockets, and toasting their own honor, none of which fools the Middle East--

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The high hopes or, better yet, the hopeful hype prerequisite to Operation Arrowhead Ripper has come and gone without delivering the crushing blow to Al Qaeda proponents of The Surge had optimistically touted-- The scrapheap of met milestones, which did not provide a turning point to the ongoing disasters that began with Shock and Awe in Iraq, has just had one more impressive tombstone added to its pile--

General Petraeus is clearly a brilliant and very well educated commander who happens to be the right man for the right job at the wrong time and, in what has become incontrovertibly so, the wrong place--The bravery, courage, and skill of the US Troops is beyond question and first rate but rarely does valor alone, even of high order magnitude, or coupled to exceptional tactics save mistaken strategery either inept, or incompetent, or taken on a cavalier lark from the far side of history-- Taking ground and holding ground is a serious brutal process made more difficult by the beautiful abstractions and delusional prognostications emanating from naive think-tanks--

The Iraqis plain and simple do not want the Bush version of democracy or even the not so divergent Hillary version nor are the Iraqi troops, no matter how well trained, willing to immolate their desperate, hungry, and disrupted lives in order to implement it, no matter how brilliant its ideological glow appears to its propagators-- Nor do they want foreign oil companies to control their national oil-- A willingness to die to prevent the American Occupation from succeeding shows no real signs of abating--This is as basic and prevalent to the current situation as the omnipresent heat and dust of the Middle East that so many of our propagandists are so readily incapable of perceiving--

Refined technique at this stage of the game may have educational value for future conflicts that must be weighed against the ever upward climb of friendly casualties but current Victory will not be among its progeny-- Manhood inherently necessary to stand up in the face of this disastrous enterprise and take on the painfully bitter consequences that this, yes, humiliating folly and its acute failure engenders, appears seriously wanting in the aggregate leadership of America politically, industrially, militarily and, also, spiritually-- Before Redemption can accomplish its heavy lifting, the unadulterated need for repair must be fully recognized and shorn of all craven denial-- Until that manifests, the wounds of defeat will only fester against our common fabric-- The ties that bind can and will be loosened, or even torn asunder, should we fail this daunting demanding task-

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Thursday, June 21, 2007


Less than a week after Fatah's decisive defeat in Gaza at the hands of Hamas, the Israeli PM Ehud(3%) Olmert weasled his way to DC in a craven attempt to first burnish his gravely debilitated image as a world leader with a White House armchair photo-op, oleaginously pliant beside the ever smarmy and upbeat Lame Duck, and, second, to seriously brainstorm the remote possibility of some truly effective solution or, rather, salvation in the face of such an ignominiously repetitive and sinister dalliance among too many ostensibly irredeemable defeats with an American President nearly devoid of most real contact to events occurring daily in the intractable Middle East--
As for Fatah's diminished leader, joining Al Malicki and Al Musharrif as the leading candidates for the moniker of Dead Man Walking should proceed quite effortlessly for the old corrupt Arafat protege, Mahmoud Abbas-- Siphoning off his superbly banal luxury from the suffering of his own people, to a degree that would even make Saddam blush, (remember, the Palestinians have no oil wealth) guarantees him many angry enemies among even earnest members of his own (or is it, former?)Palestinian Authority, not to mention, of course,the lost confidence swimming behind the uproarious mirth of official spin being spewed from DC these days--
Last summer Mr. Bush pronounced Israel the winner of the war in Lebanon and nearly no one in the mainstream media challenged the cogency of this absurd reading of events-- The imaginary world community that now hoists sudden passionate toasts to support a third rate loser on life- supports so busy callously dissolving his peoples' government and establishing a new emergency coalition(?) devoted to his continuance of power on the West Bank as if he were the grand victor of a new era, appears outrightly delusional or simply a reflection of the DC belief that no good options to this futile situation exist-- More 'Birth Pangs' of a new Middle East??--

The so-called International Community has a world view that quite frankly is not being corroborated by ground level facts-- Mis-perception shared at the fundamental paradigmatic level can do serious disservice to any and all member nation-states but such disorientation coupled with acknowledged and deliberate prevarication for the purposes of unenlightened and unaccountable self-interest(political survival)only leads to the further decimation of Civilization-- The mirage that Abbas and his dysfunctional organization remain viable players in Mr. Bush and Mr. Olmert's Middle Eastern swan song cripples the chance for any positive outcomes-- Fatah is now fractured into groups and ministries bent on their own survival but as an aggregate entity for Palestinian advancement as a whole it is beyond repair-- An unsavory fact that no belated amount of weaponry and dollars from either worried Saudi slush funds or selfirighteous Israeli duplicity can alter--
That 'moderate' Abbas, the freshly deposed de facto warden of the prison Gaza has become, and his crony police cravenly reside in the pocket of the Bush/Olmert tandem is plainly not being misperceived across the Middle East and most of the world, while the clock continues to tick on the mis-begotten crusader State of Israel and the completely misguided occupation of Iraq by its Benefactor in DC-- History of a fatal nature at its own pace working against weak leaders and not exactly, for a country whose life-style fancies itself as non-negotiable, very pretty--
Mr. Bush is now hostage to a crisis sired by his first term hands-off neglect, a situation allowed to fester into acute gangrenous failure-- While Al Qaeda was capably answering his call to 'Bring it on' with gravely unpalatable audacity and actions indicating, regardless of the intensity of Shock and Awe, a raw heedlessness toward our deterrent capability, Mr. Bush was inclined to turn a blind eye to the Palestinian problems unleashing the full brunt and force of the vaunted Israeli Defense Forces to settle the score once and for all-- Like Iraq, it didn't quite work out so well and the desperation, frustration and murder visited upon millions of terrified middle eastern families and refugees will continue to both haunt and serve as an ongoing violent anti-dote to the criminal foreign policy of Mr. Bush and Mr. Olmert--

The Yahoo headline yesterday morning read Twelve US Soldiers Killed in Iraq but before the story could play itself out two more soldiers were added to the grim tally-- Today a top American commander states that Iraq forces will not be able to hold territory American troops have recently cleared of insurgents or Al Qaeda until next spring-- American troops are capable of holding their own and actually defeating insurgents, one assumes, as a result of training requirements, for arguments sake, lasting in the vicinity of a year-- It does not seem to this observer that lack of training or lack of will are the paramount reasons for the Iraqi troop failure-- They fail because the other side (those Mr. Bremer via Mr. Rumsfeld didn't want working for the coalition) is more committed to their cause, because they are more skillful and adept at their style of warfare, and because they are fighting for their lives and faith and not simply an American paycheck-- It is difficult to see this situation being altered by spring'08 or even '09-- The longer the battle-ready Iraq insurgents are able to inflict casuality and stalemate the American Occupation the more the most inhospitable elements of other Middle Eastern nations will increase the confidence necessary to challenge their own long in the tooth rulers and defy our troops--
The bitter pill this road leads to, at the end of all these unnecessary postponements and contrived delays and outrightly false pronouncements, is, ultimately, to an acknowledgement of defeat and, until this happens, there can never be a new beginning-- The manhood required to make such solemn and difficult decisions is currently, very much, missing in action in DC--

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Thursday, June 14, 2007


After all the bold promises of military support from Mr. Bush and Mr. Olmert for the weak and now crumbling Mahmoud Abbas-led Fatah gang, the final buffer between Israel and Hamas in the Gaza arena, push led to shove and both the Israelis and the US reneged, allowing Fatah to suffer an abject and brutal rout-- Hamas wins a decisive victory and the tattered flag of US Foreign Policy flutters in an ominous wind, all spin aside, taking another one on the neocon chin-- The blowback results of having voided the democratic election results 18 months ago which swept Hamas into power are now quite visible even to the most ardent proponents of Denial as a cornerstone of US Strategery--

Fatah leaders and commanders in Gaza are running for their lives while their besieged and out-gunned foot soldiers, drained of ammunition, surrender in droves-- Fatah's upper caste senior politicos bemoaned the fate of their loyalists in Gaza from the splendor of Swiss Hotels or their mansions in Kuwait-- Abbas, once only an apprentice to Arafat style corruption, and his trembling coterie sat the battle out, cushioned in Ramallah far away-- Clearly the sad strategy of attempting to buy local sycophants and install them into positions of faux power and puppetry has not produced anything resembling optimum results-- Not even close!! The corrupt may be allowed wear the 'moderate' mantel but made weak by the very corruption that enriches them almost always leads to the bitter fruits of downfall and, in this case, extremely violent downfall-- No one should weep for Fatah or its benefactors--

The official Gaza Police force, 18,000 men strong and whose relatively fat paychecks have been signed by Abbas, failed to join the fray and did not defend the Abbas crew-- Half a hundred or more of Abbas' palace guard, The Elite, apparently dynamited an escape hatch into the Israeli Wall fleeing certain death for further political vagaries in the safety of Egypt-- None of this can be spun dishonestly away-- US foreign policy, now ragged and disheveled beyond credibility, sits dejected in stunned disbelief, its influence rapidly fading-- One more chink in the armor of American confidence in its flailing government--

The brilliantly incompetent Ehud Olmert, forever intent on keeping Abbas (in mirror-image-like fashion) strong enough to survive in lavish insecurity but weak enough not to win, refused US requests to rush fresh stocks of weapons to their besieged Partnership for Peace for fear the guns and ammo would ultimately fall into the hands of Hamas- Instead of warehoused weaponry Hamas appears to have gained the entire Gaza Strip while Olmert has to settle for a slap-on-the-wrist appointment back of the diplomatic woodshed in DC next week-- With allies like Olmert who needs enemies??--The losing streak continues--

Meanwhile the futile policy of the US now focuses on cutting massive aid to Gaza's civilian poor somewhere in the neighborhood of a million and a half people as if starvation will pimp them away from Hamas just as ancient persecution of the Christian poor and the strength they derived from their religious faith ultimately saved Rome-- "We are fighting for our faith," one Hamas spokesman explained to a radio interviewer, "and Fatah are fighting for their salaries. That is why we will win."-- History's lesson's repeated almost verbatim in the vacuum induced hubris--

Options, once more, have become quite limited, to understate the imagination- challenged State Department-- Bush, it appears, wants Abbas to play the Dictator card rendering the power-sharing agreement with victorious Hamas null and void coupled to a dismissal of the entire government-- Obviously an option open to consideration already in gloomy currency of the Bushies' present mental state should the DC echelon itself fall into remotely tantamount disrepair (caveat, being, of course, the spineless demies have capitulated so far so fast their opposition to such an overt power grab is pretty much moot already)-- But how many repeated defeats can the DC foreign policy establishment sustain without that disrepair happening??-- Events on the ground continue to, with alarming and pervasive frequency, controvert every new plan, project, proclamation and milestone coming out of the DC spin-machines--

The fear now is that if Hamas the de facto victor in Gaza fails in Governance 101 the only alternative open to the Palestinians' poor, their tired and huddled masses would be, not the Statue of Liberty, but Al Qaeda-- So much for punishing dis-affected Palestinian folk fed up with the forty year occupation as a cover-up for the blatant failure of Israel and its client, Mr. Abbas--
To the rescue, ala Michael Dukakis' ill-conceived tank sojourn down mainstreet attired in virile khaki and a hideous leather skullcap, comes the mealy apostle of positive progress everywhere in Iraq, the demie-traitor Senator Lieberman, clad in a kevlar vest and chin-strapped tight under a steel pot with another mindless canard to deflect from the ugly results on the ground in Iraq as well as Gaza proposing to ....... You guessed it ..... Bomb Iran!!

Bitter fruit, indeed!!!!

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Tuesday, June 12, 2007


With the sour after-taste of failure over the Immigration Reform Bill that crashed and burned last week in the US Senate, Mr. Bush, seemingly oblivious to the politically astute circles danced around him at last week's G8 jumbo cluster by the agile Mr. Putin, sought to deflect and counter the prevailing view that Iraq continues its relentless dis-integration apace (add to that the ominous brief armed incursion into Kurdish terrain in northern Iraq by more than saber rattling Turks) by avowing US troops would still be stationed, ala South Korea, somewhere in Iraq decades from now-- One is reminded of Klaus Kinski as Aguirre, The Wrath of God, who from his imperiled raft madly and loudly layed claim to thousands of square miles of Amazon forest as his fatigued and disillusioned soldiers suppinely incapable of even steering his errant boat off river refused to pay any heed--

Not exactly a good week for the Decider who sought a boost to his sagging morale by groveling a photo-op from The Pope whose Christian charity refused to allow him to suffer further embarrassment on the flagging leader of the free world by deservedly chastising him over the ongoing debacle in Iraq-- Nonetheless the lukewarm welcome at the Vatican signaled lame duck to insightful analysts of the long DC/ Vatican relationship while over in Albania Lame Duck seemed to morph into a rock-band fronted by a commander guy replete with uplifting ovations--How the world turns.....?--

Clearly the Surge is not having the intended effect of tamping down sectarian violence despite rampant optimistic pronouncements from US higher-ups regarding the risky new tactical overture of arming disaffected Sunni insurgents to battle elements of Al Qaeda in Iraq-- This might be the fourteenth tide-turning milestone to obligate itself to the ever indefinable victory note delusional think-tankers still cling to inside the bunkered air-conditioned fantasy-maelstrom of their mahogany foxholes-- More term-papers, so sorry to impugn, will not save the day--

Obviously, all this sudden metaphorical transference of model-like stability from South Korea to Iraq will require a devilish amount of preciously disappearing time, easily exceeding the September deadline the malodorous pundit-ocracy apprenticed to the complicitly feeble congress accorded the President and his generals as a temporal framework for adjudicating success or failure on behalf of the Surge-- The Iraqi Parliament decided to take the entire summer off, an obviously unearned vacation the visionary US Congress appears inclined to furtively emulate-- Call it leave without absence-- The leave of sense happened a long while ago--

The ineffectual paralysis engulfing the DC Beltway has driven the American people's confidence in its national legislature to a decade-low approval rating of 27%, a 9% fall in the last five months-- Speaker Pelosi's political capital continues its fall from grace as she merits a 36% approval nod, a mark 10% shy of Newtie's comparable ratings in 1994-- Harry Reid's number apparently wasn't worthy of publication-- The internecine disarray among the repo-men goes on invisibly unabated, but, at any rate, these demie numbers convey serious credibility deficits with the American people whose frustration and angst grow more palpable daily-- True anger, like $4/gal gasoline, cannot be too far away when 75% now say the American ship of state is completely off-track--

The intensity of the groundswell that spelled doom for the Immigration Bill may have surprised Mr. Bush who seems increasingly desperate, almost beyond measure, for some kind of magic rabbit he can pull out of his disheveled hat and call it victory but the defeats and failures ramping up on world scorecards everywhere only pick up more speed-- The War on Terror, de facto, does not include secure borders-- Where is the nuts-and-bolts efforts on shipping containers at ports around the country??-- Raging debate pro or con against the ill-defined 'Amnesty' of another poorly generated immigration bill will not alleviate the acute porosity on the borderlands or the ports-- Homeland Security has failed its own mission statement despite Hillary's cabalistic endorsement of an America now safer than pre-9/11--

Only those from the backseat of a perpetual limousine cruising away their careers could have such runic perspicacity-- Comic relief of the unintentional kind comes from the regally imperious banty-boy Blair, equally out of touch, who bellicosely, from his world stage exit, rants against the press as a 'feral beast'????-- Feral weasels, perhaps, but not....????--

Stay tuned and Keep it Light!!!!!

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Tuesday, June 05, 2007


The security crackdown came to Baghdad last February under the fabricated guise of 'Choosing Victory'-- A think tank policy paper devised at the American Enterprise Institute as a reality-challenged substitute for the 'defeatist' tenets believed by Neocon fantasists to be embodied in the now infamous Daddy Baker Group's proposal to the president acknowledging the complete inefficacy of military solution and the primary necessity for diplomatic discussions with Iraq's region-wide neighbors for the purposes of 'securitizing' what we managed to 'de-secure' by military invasion followed by under-manned and under-armored occupation, namely the now former State of Iraq--

Who anywhere thinks The Surge is effectively altering the disintegrating course of action in Iraq in a positive manner besides prevaricating lapdog careerists and over-exposed presidential campaigners?-- Once more the Ziocons run for the cover their air-conditioned mahogany bunkers as their lamentably out of touch plans explode in their face-- The Surge never had a chance in the real time dust and heat on the murdering ground of real, not think-tank, Iraq-- Certainly not without a full complement of troops and materiel necessary to fully staff and employ the logistical tactics of what a military surge is realistically deemed capable of fully achieving operationally--

Who isn't sick of being told by careering flaks there are plenty of opportunities and mega plenty of hopeful signs indicating a, caveat employed, cautious optimism??--Apparently, three or four months into Choosing Victory the embarrassing evidence delineates problems potentially fatal in their overall ramifications-- Enlisted Naval and Air Force personnel are now basically being emergency-conscripted into shake and bake training for ground combat roles to meet the serious shortfall of troops-- Into the Anbar valley go the six hundred-- Their deaths will buy time for an administration, too cowardly to face its own failure, intent on dumping their mess in the lap of the next administration--

How many double digit days of American KIA's does it take to tally up the true score??-- How many days between now and September can greet the restive American public with grim stats like 'Fourteen More US Dead Over Last Weekend--How is it the feeble demies living in abject fear of being accused of lack of troop support are too cowardly to point out how the administration actually sent, and did so repeatedly, our young sons and daughters into the shrieking bitch of mortal combat without that full complement of men and materiel??-- Both sides of the aisle have sent, and continue to send, American troops into the maelstrom of war without materiel support necessary to insure full combat protection and performance--

Parents of combatants had to buy, out of their own pockets, body armor for their own sons and daughters so cavalierly inserted into harm's way by DC's War Party and are only now informed the armor they were directed by the Defense Department to purchase is defective-- Only now being informed there isn't enough financial support from congress and the president to insure top flight medical care for their wounded sons and daughters at the nations military hospitals-- America is belatedly realizing 'They go to War with the leadership they have and not they would like to have'-- Hopefully, they are not overly thrilled about this-- Sooner or later they will be tasked by the rigors of history to actually do something about it--

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Political debate as practiced by the current crew of fund-raiser elitists be they repo-men or demies is akin to participation in Special Olympics-- Whoever 'wins' at the end of the day is still 'athletically challenged' (retarded) never because sincere effort was found lacking but because the limitations of reality demand it be so-- Besides, winning at Special Olympics isn't the ultimate goal in the first place-- Getting out on the field with a heart and a dream and giving the old non-college try are the true rewards-- No matter the outcome no one ever mistakes the Special Olympians for high caliber athletes--

So too the debaters from both halves of the DC War Party, so far, will not be mistaken for World Class statesmen out to truly solve the extant problems, and they are manymany, facing the country they so un-nimbly profess their askew entitlement to lead-- The fakery of these media concoctions followed by smarmy round-table faux-analysis is revolting to most the country-- Fewer and fewer concerned reliable American citizens even bother to tune in to evermore sound-bites and vain segues into still more verbally disingenuous palaver replete with nod-and-wink insider jokes running absolutely amok-- That this overhyped faux spectacle no longer seems worthy enough to connect up with the field reality on which most people on this planet, special or not, still participate is beyond debate-- Studio reality is failing to convince the American people, beyond serving up the trite shallow escapism of Idol fare, that it can play a credible role in helping steer America back from the edge of the gaping abyss facing us at the confluence of so many simultaneously problematic fronts--

At the recent repo-men debate the obscure but principled Texas Rep. Ron Paul was asked a loaded question point blank about whether or not he trusted the mainstream media and his less than immediate response brought snickers and chuckles from the audience and smirks from other candidates as well, because nearly everyone there knew that when you cut through the show-biz bullshit of contemporary media and politics, trust is not a visible virtue on anyone's team-- At the end of the debate, like Special Olympics, it doesn't matter who 'won' but only who gained an edge in campaign funding via the agility of their sound-bite performance, a virtue which can only aid one's contrived poll rating--

None of the current posturing candidates wish to try-on the latest ABC poll figures, damning in their dismal depiction of a country 73% of whom believe to be seriously off-track-- A country hemorrhaging confidence over the diminishing influence abroad due to high-magnitude international failures, visible to all, in the middle east, the ongoing dis-integration of the dollar's value, the inflationary theft from skyward spiking oil prices and ubiquitously rising world demand, the collapsing housing bubble and the contagion of foreclosure it engenders-- Moreover, issues like health care that can't find space on the infotainment of nightly news continue to add demoralizing angst to the overall zeitgeist--Word will always spread--
Imagine this, a world super-power incapable of teaching its children how to read basic literature-- A world super-power selling out its manufacturing strength to the lowest bidder-- A world super-power allowing its infant mortality rate to lead the entire industrialized world-- A world super-power Presidential candidate who admittedly failed to read the National Intelligence Estimate on Iraq before voting on the resolution for going to war-- A disqualifying admission under any requisite standards of leadership if leadership is what the country most needs but, of course, a forgivable faux pas if fund-raising uber alles is the bona fides litmus test for media credibility-- As poet Robinson Jeffers once wrote, "Shine, perishing Republic"

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