The hammer has struck the anvil-- After adopting
master of end-game architecture Henry Kissinger's 'Victory' stance to replace the wornout stay-the-course mantra which turned out really to be no course at all, Mister Bush has been sent searching for a new shibboleth-- Military victory in the war ravaged country once called Iraq is no longer an option not to ask if it truly ever was but
Kissinger portrayed a bleak vision of Iraq more insightful observers have courageously noted for over a year or more, "If you mean by 'military victory' an Iraqi government that can be established and whose writ runs across the whole country, that gets the civil war under control and sectarian violence under control in a time period that the political processes of the democracies will support, I don't believe that is possible." The envelope please,.....and the winner is.........Iran--
The same Iran the Bush boys in symbiotic cahoots with the suddenly unpopular leaders of Israel both of whom appear truly desperate for some kind of a redemptive victory in the face of embarrassing war failures and, yes, the same Iran both Bush and Olmert appear to actually want to bomb-- Charismatically paranoid Bibi
Netanyahu has called for a pre-emptive nuclear strike against Iran-- Now though Kissinger among many others including the much ballyhooed Daddy Baker study group, diplomacy convert Condi Rice and of course the ever co-optic Hillary C. suddenly see Iran along with Syria as possible aides to achieving some kind of stabilization in Iraq-- Leaders from Iraq (viability of leaders still a question mark), Syria and Iran are currently in the process of diplomatic talks with each other(If Syria and Iran were able to stabilize the current sectarian situation/schism in Iraq without the help/participation of the US but that potential stabilization held requisite the disengagement of US troops from the arena would the US accept??)-- Rice and the others were apparently uninvited-- Kissinger continue to warn against a rapid withdrawal of coalition troops, saying it could destabilize Iraq's neighbors which of course was actually a sought after goal of the neocon PNACers who professed the
'creative destruction' of several regimes that along the way would usher in Condi's ridiculously insentive rendition 'The birth pangs of a new Middle East' that came on the heels of Israel's bombing of Qana Lebanon where 40 civilians mostly children were permanently destroyed by the death pangs of what..........??-The old (ages old) Middle East???--
A dramatic collapse of Iraq whatever we think about how the situation was created would have disastrous consequences for which we would pay for many years," Kissinger added seemingly unaware that the collapse of Iraq has already occurred and for those in no small number who have lost and continue to lose friends, relatives, homes, livelihoods, neighborhoods, entire industries, highways and byways, water and electricity and much of the other amenities inviolate to any sense to 'civilization' their consequences are unabashedly and quite demonstrably disastrous as it now stands-- Wake up, Mr. Kissinger, we cannot escape such responsibility for such destruction even as we try to spin our way out of it ('Peace with Honor') by refusing to recognize that this ugly chaos is presently a hard fact-- incontrovertible boots-on-the-ground fact!!-- You are very correct, Doctor K., it is your verb tenses that are not in sync with those facts-- Not 'would pay' but 'will pay' for many years-- And if the
non-negotiable American way of life comes a cropper as a resultant consequence of such a stupid foray the neocon perpetrators from both sides of the aisle of this Imperial hubris and its utter failure should consider hunting their holes--
"I think we have to redefine the course, but I don't think that the alternative is between military victory, as defined previously, or total withdrawal," the Nobel recipient stated, which is tantamount to saying 'but don't ask me what course that alternative is'-- The American voters ringing anti-war anti-corruption vote did not endorse backsliding nor inaction-- Put up or shut up and go home--